Monday, October 1, 2012

Pumpkin Crazy!!!

Hello wonderful world of blogging. Oh how I have missed you. Life has been, well, CRAZY!!! Between two job changes, building a house(or rather getting things ready to start the build), and the little one growing mad fast, I feel like I hardly have time to breath.  Few... need a minute to catch my breath. But can I just say, I am in love with the weather right now. Seriously, if I could just pause time and keep nature in all it's pretty reds, oranges, and yellows... I would. :)  I just want to swim in all of this lovely color. This is really when I wish I was a kid again outside raking all the leaves into a huge red heap just so I could jump in it. Oh wait, I did that yesterday... ha ha just kidding. But really this is one of the things I love most about fall. What are some of your fav's for this time of year?

Okay on to a very important topic. Pumpkins, the little one has been going bananas for them. It's been pumpkin this and pumpkin that always followed by the cutest little squeal.  Seriously, I think this one has a little obsessive bone in her (thanks to her mamma).  As soon as we starting pulling out the Halloween decor and her eyes took their first glance on that bright orange gourd, she has been ecstatic over the things. You can imagine how overwhelmed she was when we took her to pick out her very own... The poor little one finally plopped down to do some thinking. After all said and done she settled on a nice big one! I have come to realize that with my little muffin we can't do anything small... she it just to enthusiastic and excited to do things small:) But I have to admit it's one of the things I love most about her.
my sweet baby girl:)

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