Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well I woke up this morning a bit alarmed at how much my body has changed in the last little while...I thought I would provide a comparison for you all.
4 Weeks Pregnant
17 Weeks and 5 days pregnant
(PS Sorry about this crapy picture I lost my camera and was forced to use my phone which has a really bad picture)


Anonymous said...

You are THE cutest.

Dani Christensen said...

So cute!! You started showing early! It's so fun to have the pregnancy belly ;)

Emily said...

Oh you look so cute!! I love it.
(Smart way to hold on your necklaces.)

The Barbers said...

Isn't it exciting to be showing?! It make it feel a bit more real doesn't it. Well, that and when your little starts to move. You look super cute ;0)

Christina Olson said...

You are sooooo beautiful!!!! I love talking about babies with you:)

Heather said...

You are one of those people who is going to look so cute during pregnancy! It's so fun that you're starting to show :)

Maran said...

Meghan- Congratulations! I am so excited for you. You are definitely one of those people that needs to be a mom, because you are going to do a wonderful job at it!! You look adorable!

kelsey said...

Oh my goodness, congrats!! I am so excited for you!!! I love cute belly pictures, keep them coming!!

Rocia said...

meggie, how cute is your tiny tummy!! hooray for you, when do you find out what you are having?

Forever Young said...

I find out next week and can't wait:)

Brittney said...

What a great idea! You look so cute, and what an awesome baby bump! Yay!

Darla said...

You're gonna find out soon what you're having!! How exciting!

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