Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Much Needed Apron Day!

Another apron day. Day's like today were meant for my apron. It isn't just any old apron is my cute apron from my sister, the apron that makes me want to cook, bake, paint, be creative. Perhaps the decision to put it on has to do with the sun shining today. I have missed the sun. During the long months of January and February the sun is scares in Logan. So on this day, last day in February, I feel lucky because the sun has been out all day and it feels like 50 degrees outside (trust me this is a good thing for this area). After a wonderful church meeting I went for a short bike ride, made some broth water for a soup, made my healthy dark chocolate chip cookies, folded a load of laundry, and searched for cute baby room ideas on my beloved google. All while listening to Sounds for Sunday radio and listening to church talks on BYU TV (some of the benefits of living in Utah). Today has been a truly enjoyable Sunday, just the kind of day to help you slow down before another busy week.

Who knows I might even do a water color later...we will see. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh that sounds so great! Even though it sounded like a busy day, it still all seemed so relaxing.

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