Well I woke up this morning a bit alarmed at how much my body has changed in the last little while...I thought I would provide a comparison for you all.

4 Weeks Pregnant

17 Weeks and 5 days pregnant
(PS Sorry about this crapy picture I lost my camera and was forced to use my phone which has a really bad picture)
You are THE cutest.
So cute!! You started showing early! It's so fun to have the pregnancy belly ;)
Oh you look so cute!! I love it.
(Smart way to hold on your necklaces.)
Isn't it exciting to be showing?! It make it feel a bit more real doesn't it. Well, that and when your little starts to move. You look super cute ;0)
You are sooooo beautiful!!!! I love talking about babies with you:)
You are one of those people who is going to look so cute during pregnancy! It's so fun that you're starting to show :)
Meghan- Congratulations! I am so excited for you. You are definitely one of those people that needs to be a mom, because you are going to do a wonderful job at it!! You look adorable!
Oh my goodness, congrats!! I am so excited for you!!! I love cute belly pictures, keep them coming!!
meggie, how cute is your tiny tummy!! hooray for you, when do you find out what you are having?
I find out next week and can't wait:)
What a great idea! You look so cute, and what an awesome baby bump! Yay!
You're gonna find out soon what you're having!! How exciting!
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